
The Center for Optimal Aging has various faculty working on different research. The research done by members has been published in a wide range of journals. The publications are listed in the subpages.




Vitamin D which is essential for both bodily and cognitive functions plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall health. Lack of sufficient vitamin D levels can lead to various health issues. Older individuals, those who are overweight, and residents of nursing homes or hospitals are more prone to low vitamin D levels. Furthermore, individuals with Alzheimer’s (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) often exhibit lower vitamin D levels compared to individuals without these conditions. The authors of this informational resource offer science-backed insights into the significance of vitamin D for brain health, particularly for AD and PD. They also provide guides on how to maintain optimal vitamin D levels.

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  1. Viswanathan, M., Sathe, N., Welch, V., Francis, D., Heyn, P., Ali, R., Duque, T., Terhune, E., Lin, J., Pizzaro, A., & Riddle, D. (2024). Centering Racial Health Equity in Systematic Reviews—Paper 1: Introduction to the Series.
  2. Ali, R., Daniel, C., Duque, T., Sathe, N., Pizarro, A. B., Rabre, A., Henderson, D., Armstrong-Brown, J., Francis, D., Welch, V., Heyn, P., Dewidar, O., Rizvi, A., & Viswanathan, M. (2024). Centering Racial Health Equity in Systematic Reviews Paper 2: Themes from Listening Exercises (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4827797).
  3. Terhune, E., Dagne, M. B., Piper, C. R., Pizarro, A. B., Barsoum, M., Rizvi, A., Francis, D., Viswanathan, M., Sathe, N., Welch, V., Duque, T., Riddle, D., Turner II, R. W., Baker, T. A., & Heyn, P. (2024). Centering Racial Health Equity in Systematic Reviews Paper 3 a Systematic Review of Definitions for (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4874331).
  4. Francis, D., Pizarro, A. B., Sathe, N., Dewidar, O., Viswanathan, M., Welch, V., Duque, T., Heyn, P., Terhune, E., Ali, R., & Riddle, D. (2024). Centering racial health equity in systematic reviews Paper 4: Use of logic models and frameworks for methodological conduct and interest holder engagement (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4750477).
  5. Welch, V., Dewidar, O., Rizvi, A., Bondok, M., Pan, Y., Sabri, H., Adewale, A., Ghogomu, E., Terhune, E., Francis, D., Pizarro, A. B., Duque, T., Heyn, P., Riddle, D., Sathe, N., & Viswanathan, M. (2024). Centering Racial Health Equity in Systematic Reviews Paper 5: A Methodological Overview of Methods and Interventions (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4699442).
  6. Sathe, N., Ovelman, C., Ospina, N. S., Dewidar, O., Terhune, E., Francis, D., Welch, V., Heyn, P., Duque, T., & Viswanathan, M. (2024). Centering Racial Health Equity in Systematic Reviews Paper 6: Engaging racially and ethnically diverse stakeholders in evidence syntheses (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4735939).
  7. Carry, P., Terhune, E., Monley, A., Dzieciatkowska, M., Wethey, C., Cuevas, M., & Miller, N. Untargeted Serum Proteomics Profiling in Female Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis. Medical Research Archives, 12(1). doi:10.18103/mra.v12i1.5006. Feb 2024
  8. Harden, J. T., Hill, C. V., Heyn, P. C., Oh, E. S., Perez, G. A., & Whitfield, K. (2024). Indispensable impact: From NIA Summer Institute to Butler-Williams Scholars Program. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
  9. Philippou, E., Hirsch, M. A., Heyn, P. C., van Wegen, E. E. H., & Darwish, H. (2024). Vitamin D and Brain Health in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
  10. Diaz-Asper, C., Chandler, C. & Elvevåg, B. (2024). Cognitive screening for mild cognitive impairment: Clinician perspectives on current practices and future directions. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease. doi: 10.3233/JAD-240293
  11. Diaz-Asper, C., Hauglid, M.K., Chandler, C., Cohen, A.S., Foltz, P.W., & Elvevåg, B. (2024). A framework for language technologies in behavioral research and clinical applications: Ethical challenges, implications and solutions. American Psychologist, 79(1), 79-91.
  12. Elrod C, Wong R, Pappa S. Fall Risk of Participants Across Eight Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Programs, Oral Presentation, Age+Action Annual Conference, May 2024
  13. Pappa S, Elrod C, Wong W. Community Integration of SAIL: Positive Aging through Improved Fitness, Poster Presentation, Age+Action Annual Conference, May 2024
  14. Dagne, M, Terhune, E., Barsoum M, Pizarro AB, Turner II RW, Baker TA, Rizvi A, Heyn PC. Racial Health Equity Definitions and Terminologies in Prominent Public Health Websites: A Systematic Review. Submitted to Journal of Interned Medical Research July 2024 (Under review).
  15. Duque, T., Terhune E., Dagne, M.B., Andrenassi P. Bridging Gaps, Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: Lessons Learned from the 2021-2023 Cochrane US Global Health Equity Mentoring Program. Global Evidence Summit. Prague, Czech Republic. Sept 2024. [Presentation]

For a complete list of:

  • Dr. Patricia C Heyn’s published work, please visit these Google Scholar and Publons pages.
  • Dr. Uma Kelekar’s published work, please visit her Google Scholar and ResearchGate pages.
  • Dr. Catherine Diaz-Asper’s published work, please visit her Pubmed page.
  • Dr. Julie D. Ries’s published work, please visit these Google Scholar and PubMed pages.
  • Elizabeth Terhune’s published work, please visit her Pubmed page.
  • Mahederemariam Dagne’s published work, please visit her Google Scholar page.