Regina Ball

Class of 2012

Regina BallMajor

Graphic Design


Marymount Graphic Design and Honors Program alumna Regina Ball recently had her work for Phone2Action, a grassroots advocacy software, showcased on the Capital One Arena in DC.
She was hired as Phone2Action’s first Graphic Designer in September 2016 and was recently promoted to Creative Manager. In this role she not only designs the creative for the company, but also creates and orders client gifts, branded swag, manages social media and website content, and provides photography and videography for internal and external events.
“When I learned about the mission of the company—to power the movements that change the world, which we do by creating best in-class digital advocacy & communication tools—I was really inspired,” Ball said. “Few companies actually live their mission of making the world a better place, but at Phone2Action I can see tangible differences our clients are making by using our tools.”
She was drawn to the position to be a part of rebranding the company and starting their design practice from the ground up. She even helped design their new office.
“I learned so much at Marymount in a variety of areas, but one of the most important things I learned from my Art & Design classes was being able to accept critiques gracefully,” Ball said. “Many people do not have experience working with designers and providing constructive feedback, so having a thick skin to accept the feedback and being able to work with that person to really draw out their reasoning and reactions has been invaluable.” 
Ball says she had a great experience in the Graphic Design program at Marymount with a small, tight knit class and supportive community.
“Many creatives in this industry are ‘self-taught,’ but I’ve realized that having a formal design education is part of what sets me apart as an employee,” Ball said. Most people don’t realize that graphic design is 50% technical skill and 50% soft skills when you are working in a highly collaborative environment or company—and the Graphic Design program helped me develop both skillsets.”
The recent display on the Capital One Arena was part of Phone2Action investing in growing the brand and increasing brand awareness. Ball designed these dynamic ads and worked with the company’s co-founders to create a unique set of creative specifically for Election Day. All of these ads served as an eye-catching, dynamic way to learn what Phone2Action does, and featured a keyword to text in order to learn more about the company’s products.
“This has been a huge opportunity for me,” said Ball. “I never thought that my work would be on such a large display, seen by so many people!”