Marymount recognized for excellence as a 2024-25 College of Distinction

Marymount recognized for excellence as a 2024-25 College of Distinction

Marymount University has been named a College of Distinction for the 2024-2025 academic year. It is a prestigious honor highlighting the institution’s commitment to providing an exceptional undergraduate education and welcoming environment where students explore their passions, pursue their dreams, positively impact the world and Learn with Purpose.

Marymount earned College of Distinction status overall and in several subcategories which include Virginia colleges, Catholic colleges, business programs, education programs, nursing programs, military support, career development and equity & inclusion.

Colleges of Distinction is a hand-picked selection of top schools equipped to provide a personalized education geared towards students’ interests. Unlike traditional ranking systems based on numerical data, its rigorous selection process involves extensive research and detailed interviews with institutions, accepting only those that adhere to four distinctions – engaged students, great teaching, vibrant community and successful outcomes.

Marymount has demonstrated exceptional performance in these areas, ensuring a supportive and enriching environment that equips students for future academic and career success.

“We are incredibly honored to be recognized once again as a College of Distinction, which reflects our unwavering dedication to providing a transformative educational experience fostering academic excellence and holistic development,” said Dr. Irma Becerra, President of Marymount University. “At Marymount, we strive to create a vibrant and inclusive community. We are proud of our achievements and remain focused on empowering our students to prepare for impactful and purposeful careers and make meaningful contributions to society.”

The Colleges of Distinction evaluation process differs from other well-known college rankings publications, whose formulas often classify institutions based on factors such as endowment size, peer opinion and faculty pay.

“We’ve never ranked our schools,” said Tyson Schritter, chief operating officer at Colleges of Distinction. “No student is alike, so there can’t be a number one school for everyone. We are much more focused on the innovative ways that colleges are offering their own brand of a truly rich undergraduate education. We are so impressed to see how Marymount brings life to the traditional undergraduate experience. With a welcoming community, an immersive curriculum and strong support networks, Marymount is undoubtedly nurturing the growth of tomorrow’s leaders.”

Since its founding in 2000, Colleges of Distinction has awarded schools for successfully implementing high-impact educational practices and hands-on learning. Its website provides dynamic college profiles, customized tools and resources for students, parents and high school counselors. Learn more about Marymount and the University’s programs on our Points of Pride page and the Colleges of Distinction website.