

Setting goals provides a sense of direction and focus; they keep your team aligned, increase productivity, lead to faster growth, and help employees and managers organize time and resources.

Keep your goals in Workday 

The Workday process for goal setting allows employees and managers to create, review, add, and track their goals while encouraging ongoing, regular productivity.

All  employees have the opportunity to set and document goals in Workday  

Staff employees

  • A full-time staff employee’s annual performance review includes a requirement to document and set 2-3 goals each year. Employees and their managers should agree on and set specific, attainable targets for that employee and/or the department.
  • Documenting goals in Workday will automatically populate your annual performance review each year.

Faculty and Part-time employees

  • For faculty and part-time employees, setting goals is not a requirement for the performance review, but it’s always a good idea to document your goals and ensure they are aligned with your manager, team and the university.

Setting and tracking goals in Workday 

  1. Log into Workday and in the Search Bar type Goals
  2. Choose Create Goal
  3. Complete the fields describing the goal, a status and category
  4. Submit or Save for Later
    1. If you Submit it will route to your Manager to approve, edit, send back or deny

Your goals appear under the option, My Goals.  The goals you added to your annual evaluation are here as well for you to update, review and complete.

Goals must be clear and concise while still being realistic.  Plan and document well-defined steps to formulate the specifics of each goal.