8 last-minute ways to prepare for your freshman year of college

8 last-minute ways to prepare for your freshman year of college


Wow, this summer is really flying by! If you’re a member of the Class of 2026, before you know it, you’ll be arriving on campus for your freshman year. You should definitely be excited, but believe it or not, there are probably some last-minute things you should do in order to prepare and arrive on campus ready for success and ready to have fun!

Here are eight things the Admissions team at Marymount University thinks you should do in the next few weeks.

1. Subscribe to blogs about how to prepare for college.

Seriously — doing so can be super helpful! Blogs for college-bound students will cover a variety of tips, tools and advice for before and after arriving on campus.

2. Chat up your future college roomie.

If you haven’t already, you should contact your school and figure out how to get in touch with your future roommate. By doing that, you’ll get an idea of who you’re about to move in with, which might help with any potential awkwardness once you arrive on campus.

3. Buy some earbuds and some earplugs.

Huh? Why in the world are we suggesting this? Well, since you’ll be sharing a room with someone, you should prepare to listen to music, podcasts, Netflix or whatever else quietly with your earbuds and have earplugs handy in case you’re having trouble sleeping in a shared space. Even if your roommate is courteous and quiet, sometimes sharing a room with someone can throw a wrench in your routine.

4. Set up dinner or coffee dates with your hometown friends.

While we’re sure you’re excited about going to college and making new friends, be sure to catch up with those who you won’t see for a while once you get to school. You may be surprised by how much you’ll miss your high school and hometown friends and family!

5. Visit your college’s surrounding city.

Even though you’ve probably visited your future college campus by this point, if you didn’t have a chance to explore the college’s surrounding area, you should do so! For instance, Marymount is only about six miles from Washington, D.C., and your options for dining, nights out, museums and shopping are endless!

6. Prepare by…sleeping.

You may scoff, but seriously, use the next few weeks of your summer getting some rest. During your freshman year, you’re going to be busy adjusting to college life, making friends and studying during some late nights. It’ll be in your best interest to arrive on campus healthy and well rested!

7. Speaking of health…consider working out and self-care.

In addition to practicing some good sleeping habits, spend the next several weeks getting into a good workout and self-care routine. Your freshman year of college will be so much more productive and so much more fun if you’re healthy and happy! Working out and figuring out other ways to take care of yourself will help you do just that.

8. Reach out with any last-minute questions to prepare.

The admissions team at your school is there to help you with whatever you need. If you have any last-minute questions about meal plans, residence halls, student affairs or financial aid options, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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If you have questions regarding how Marymount can prepare you for a successful and fulfilling career post-graduation, we hope you’ll request more information today — we’d love to hear from you and help you figure out the challenges that come with applying to college and financing a college education.