{"id":1969,"date":"2019-09-18T09:44:00","date_gmt":"2019-09-18T09:44:00","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/developmenttwo.marymount.edu\/blog\/marymount-launches-new-intrapreneurship-initiative-to-fill-the-region%c2%92s-talent-gap\/"},"modified":"2023-08-28T10:23:37","modified_gmt":"2023-08-28T14:23:37","slug":"marymount-launches-new-intrapreneurship-initiative-to-fill-the-region%c2%92s-talent-gap","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/marymount.edu\/blog\/marymount-launches-new-intrapreneurship-initiative-to-fill-the-region%c2%92s-talent-gap\/","title":{"rendered":"Marymount launches new intrapreneurship initiative to fill the region\u0092s talent gap"},"content":{"rendered":"

Marymount University\u0092s School of Business and Technology (SBT)<\/a> has launched an initiative to address one of the most significant talent gaps in the greater Washington region \u0096 a shortage of graduates who are prepared to use entrepreneurial skills to help employers grow and meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.<\/p>\n

The Marymount Intrapreneurship Initiative (MI2<\/sup>)<\/a> is aimed at students who often feel left out from entrepreneurship programs because they want to use their entrepreneurial spirit and skills in existing organizations, rather than start their own. Intrapreneurship, defined as the application of entrepreneurial behavior to growth challenges in existing organizations, drives the growth of many successful area businesses in media, hospitality, government contracting, healthcare and information technology. Recent highly-publicized efforts in the region to drive workforce development have demonstrated a need for employees who can identify and address opportunities for growth, manage ambiguity and lead change.<\/p>\n

Four primary areas will be focused on through the Marymount Intrapreneurship Initiative:<\/p>\n

  1. Incorporating concepts related to intrapreneurial skills into the SBT curriculum<\/li>\n
  2. Promoting intrapreneurship through community events<\/li>\n
  3. Executive and leadership skill development for personnel at existing organizations<\/li>\n
  4. Economic research and reports to study the role of entrepreneurial behavior and intrapreneurship in economic growth<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    \u0093I\u0092ve been working for a long time to help our region achieve its economic potential \u0096 not by trying to emulate other regions, but by growing based on our strengths,\u0094 Aberman added. \u0093Employers need a full pipeline of capable, visionary and technology-savvy talent that are ready and able to lead change and promote growth. We are looking forward to contributing our collective talents towards this challenge.\u0094<\/p>\n

    To fulfill its mission, the Marymount Intrapreneurship Initiative benefits from the leadership of Aberman, a well-known leader in the greater Washington region\u0092s innovation community. MI2 <\/sup>also has an initial advisory board of 11 proven business intrapreneurs whose insights will shape Marymount SBT\u0092s intrapreneurial education, while adding their expertise to community events and educational offerings:<\/p>\n