{"id":897,"date":"2020-10-01T14:00:52","date_gmt":"2020-10-01T14:00:52","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/developmenttwo.marymount.edu\/student-life\/?page_id=897"},"modified":"2023-06-07T14:31:19","modified_gmt":"2023-06-07T18:31:19","slug":"appeals-and-final-review","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/marymount.edu\/student-life\/health-wellness\/student-conduct\/student-conduct-2\/appeals-and-final-review\/","title":{"rendered":"Conduct Hearing Appeals and Final Review"},"content":{"rendered":"

Student Conduct Hearing Outcome Appeal<\/h2>\n

Respondents may petition for a review of a decision or assigned sanction(s)\u00a0within three (3) business days of issuance of a written decision letter<\/i>. All requests for review must be in writing and delivered to the appointed administrator in the manner indicated in the written decision letter.<\/p>\n

If the appointed administrator determines that a complaint may be reviewed, every opportunity will be taken, where possible, to return the complaint to the original hearing officer or hearing panel for reconsideration; however, if this is not possible, the complaint will be reviewed on reconsideration by the appellate body. The original hearing officer or hearing panel may support or change a decision. The review body will be deferential to the original decision-maker, making changes to the finding only where there is clear error and to a sanction only if a compelling justification to do so exists. Reviews will only be considered for one or more of the following purposes:<\/p>\n