{"id":4677,"date":"2020-11-17T16:45:46","date_gmt":"2020-11-17T16:45:46","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/developmenttwo.marymount.edu\/academics\/?page_id=4677"},"modified":"2023-09-26T11:50:15","modified_gmt":"2023-09-26T15:50:15","slug":"tutoring-faq","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/marymount.edu\/academics\/services-resources\/student-academic-hub\/tutoring-writing-assistance\/tutoring-faq\/","title":{"rendered":"Tutoring FAQ"},"content":{"rendered":"

Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently-asked questions about tutoring at Marymount.<\/p>\n

Have a question about tutoring that you don’t see answered here? Email us at tutorbiz@marymount.edu or give us a call at 703-284-1538 and we would be happy to assist you.<\/p>\n

Introduction to tutoring at Marymount:<\/h2>\n

I haven\u2019t been to the Student Academic Hub for tutoring before. How does it work?<\/h3>\n

To get started with tutoring at the Hub, we recommend that you schedule an appointment in TutorTrac ahead of time. You can access TutorTrac under Sign On Links in the <\/span>Portal<\/span><\/a>. You can also call or stop by the Hub and someone at the front desk can help connect you with a tutor.<\/span><\/p>\n

If you have signed up for a face-to-face appointment, simply go to Rowley 1008 to meet your tutor in person.<\/span><\/p>\n

If you have signed up for a virtual appointment, you can click the link to join the session 5 minutes before your appointment begins. You can find this link in the \u201cUpcoming Appointments\u201d box of your TutorTrac homepage, in your confirmation email, or in your reminder email. Just click on that link at the start of your appointment to meet one-on-one with your tutor!<\/span><\/p>\n

When and where are tutoring services offered?<\/h3>\n

Tutoring services are offered at The Hub in Rowley 1008 and via Zoom. Tutoring hours and locations vary by semester, so we recommend signing up for an appointment on TutorTrac ahead of time.<\/p>\n

Is tutoring free?<\/h3>\n

Yes, tutoring is free for all students! You will never have to pay for your tutoring appointments. This cost is included in your tuition and the university offers this service to you for free.<\/p>\n

Can I walk-in or do I need an appointment?<\/h3>\n

Walk-ins are available, but appointments are heavily encouraged! It is never a guarantee with a walk-in that a tutor will be available for the content that you are looking for.<\/p>\n

Also, if the content or availability options you are looking for aren’t available in TutorTrac, be sure to check out Brainfuse, our supplemental online tutoring provider. To get to Brainfuse,\u00a0log on to Canvas, open up any of your course pages, and look for \u201cBrainfuse\u201d in the left-hand menu of links for that course.<\/p>\n


Making a tutoring appointment:<\/h2>\n

How do I make a tutoring appointment?<\/h3>\n

Here is a link to a short guide\u00a0to making an appointment.<\/a><\/p>\n

What are my options if there isn\u2019t a content tutor available for my class?<\/h3>\n

First, be sure to check out Brainfuse, our online tutoring provider. Marymount students have access to 120 mins of live help per month and 4 submissions to either the Online Writing Lab or questions per semester. To get to Brainfuse, log on to Canvas, open up any of your course pages, and look for \u201cBrainfuse\u201d in the left-hand menu of links for that course. Also, if you have used TutorTrac to search for a tutor and cannot find one, be sure to fill out our Tutoring & Writing Assistance Needs Survey<\/a> so that we can better understand areas where we may need additional support and resources.<\/p>\n

How can I cancel my tutoring appointment?<\/h3>\n

If your appointment is one or more hours in the future, you can cancel it yourself by logging into TutorTrac, navigating to your upcoming appointments, and clicking the small X next to the appointment you would like to cancel.<\/span><\/p>\n

If you need to cancel within an hour of an appointment, you can call the Hub at (703) 284-1538 and have one of the office assistants cancel your appointment for you.<\/span><\/p>\n

What happens if I miss my tutoring appointment?<\/h3>\n

If you miss more than three consecutive appointments, a temporary block is placed on your ability to schedule tutoring sessions. In order to remove the block, you must meet with the tutoring program director. Please email tutorbiz@marymount.edu<\/a> to set up this meeting.<\/p>\n


What to expect at your tutoring appointment:<\/h2>\n

Who are the tutors?<\/h3>\n

The tutors are students who have been selected based on their strong academic record and communication skills. Some tutors may have been hired due to recommendations from professors for the student\u2019s mastery in their class of essential concepts. All tutors complete a semester-long tutoring course to provide you with the best tutoring experience during your sessions. A common characteristic among tutors is having a desire to help their peers improve their studies.<\/p>\n

What should I bring to my appointment?<\/h3>\n

It is best to bring anything pertaining to the content you wish to discuss! The textbook you are working with, the assignment, a laptop, or just yourself!<\/p>\n

What help can I expect from tutoring?<\/h3>\n

We encourage you to watch this video<\/a> explaining our tutoring services to gain an understanding of what you can expect from tutoring.<\/p>\n

Will I work with a tutor one-on-one? Can I have a tutoring session with my classmates?<\/h3>\n

Yes, you can work with tutors one-on-one and you can also have group tutoring sessions. There are also drop-in labs, which you can go to with your friends and classmates. Our tutoring services can be accommodated to how you learn best, whether that is in a group or just you and a tutor.<\/p>\n

How long can my tutoring session be?<\/h3>\n

Tutoring appointments can be 30 minutes or 1 hour long, depending on how much time you need to get the help you want from the tutor. Sessions may end up being shorter, but appointment lengths can only be made in 30 minute or 1-hour time blocks.<\/p>\n

What course content tutoring do you offer?<\/h3>\n

The Hub offers a wide variety of content tutoring, such as chemistry, biology, statistics, IT, and psychology. However, the availability of content tutoring sessions will vary by semester, depending on what specialties our tutors have. Be sure to check the Course List<\/a> for the semester. If you have any questions about whether we offer a specific type of content tutoring, feel free to contact us by calling (703) 284-1538 or by sending us an email (tutorbiz@marymount.edu<\/a>).<\/p>\n




Tutoring policies and procedures:<\/h2>\n

Can the tutors help me with my homework?<\/h3>\n

Tutors cannot give you the answers to your homework or do your homework for you. However, tutors can help guide you through problems similar to those in your homework, explain concepts, and answer any questions you have.<\/p>\n

Will writing tutors proofread my paper?<\/h3>\n

Writing tutors may make some grammar suggestions for your paper if they notice a pattern of grammar issues. However, they will not proofread your paper since they mainly make suggestions on how you can improve your paper, which may include strengthening your thesis, reorganizing your paper, or suggestions for editing your paper on your own.<\/p>\n

Can I request a specific tutor?<\/h3>\n

Yes, you can request a specific tutor if you find one that you like and want to continue working with. When making your appointment on TutorTrac, pick an appointment slot with the tutor you prefer.<\/p>\n

Can I get help in more than one subject?<\/h3>\n

Absolutely! The Hub offers tutoring in a wide variety of subjects, from chemistry to business management. If you have questions about if tutoring is offered a specific course, please feel free to contact us or come talk to us in Rowley 1005.<\/p>\n

How many tutoring appointments can I make each week?<\/h3>\n

You can book up to two back-to-back appointments with any tutor at a time. We encourage you to meet with as many different tutors as you need! Please note, you can only book appointments up to a week in advance.<\/p>\n

Can I work with my tutor outside of The Hub\u2019s tutoring hours?<\/h3>\n

No, you cannot work with tutors outside of The Hub\u2019s tutoring hours. Tutors do not get paid for working outside of The Hub\u2019s tutoring hours and they have their own schoolwork to do. Make an appointment during The Hub\u2019s tutoring hours and tutors will be happy to help you then.<\/p>\n

Will my instructor know that I visited The Hub?<\/h3>\n

The details of your tutoring appointment will be confidential. The only people that have information about your appointment are the tutoring program director, your tutor, your professor (in Starfish), and yourself. You will have access to meeting notes that your tutor has written after your session. These notes are also integrated into Starfish and can be accessed by your professor.<\/p>\n

Can I get documentation that I met with a tutor?<\/h3>\n

Yes, once your appointment has ended, your tutor will fill out \u201coutcome notes,\u201d which includes the date, time, and reason for the appointment, along with next steps or suggestions from the tutor. These notes are stored in your \u2018Visit History\u2019 in TutorTrac and are integrated into Starfish.<\/p>\n




Tutoring for specific circumstances:<\/h2>\n

I am an honor student. In what ways can tutoring at The Hub help me become a better writer?<\/h3>\n

Getting a different perspective on your writing is always a good thing, no matter what level of writing skills you have. A writing tutor can look out for thesis development, organization, clarity of ideas, and more to help you refine and further develop your writing assignments.<\/p>\n

I am struggling with the readings for some of my classes. How can tutoring help me better understand the material?<\/h3>\n

Tutors are full of great tips, especially when it comes to class readings! Tutors can help you learn how to annotate and take apart complicated or academic readings. Also, reading through articles or books with another person and then talking about the content can be helpful in increasing reading comprehension.<\/p>\n

Is tutoring available for graduate students?<\/h3>\n

Yes! We have course content tutoring and writing assistance available for graduate students.<\/p>\n

Can I schedule a writing consultation to receive help writing grad school applications or other writing not directly related to a class at MU?<\/h3>\n

Our tutoring sessions are primarily for academic writing for classes at MU.<\/p>\n

Does MU offer tutoring for Praxis exams, the GRE, or other similar tests?<\/h3>\n

We have resources available to help you prepare for tests. For example, Brainfuse has GRE On-Demand which allows you to study at your own pace with access to videos and practice tests. To get to Brainfuse, log on to Canvas, open up any of your course pages, and look for \u201cBrainfuse\u201d in the left-hand menu of links for that course.<\/p>\n




Becoming a tutor:<\/h2>\n

How do I become a tutor?<\/h3>\n

We regularly look for potential tutors and seek recommendations from faculty members. If you are interested in becoming a Peer Tutor, please apply on Workday<\/a>. Here is a direct link<\/a> to apply for the Peer Tutor position. When you submit your application, the tutoring program director is notified and will review your materials. We look forward to seeing your name in the applicant pool!<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently-asked questions about tutoring at Marymount. Have a question about tutoring that you don’t see answered here? Email us at tutorbiz@marymount.edu or give us a call at 703-284-1538 and we would be happy to assist you. Introduction to tutoring at Marymount: I haven\u2019t been to […]<\/p>\n

Read More…<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":21,"featured_media":0,"parent":508,"menu_order":2,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"page-templates\/left-sidebarpage.php","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"_lmt_disableupdate":"no","_lmt_disable":"","ngg_post_thumbnail":0,"footnotes":""},"acf":[],"yoast_head":"\nTutoring FAQ - Marymount University<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently-asked questions about tutoring at Marymount. Have a question about tutoring that you don't see . 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Click here to learn more.\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"https:\/\/marymount.edu\/academics\/services-resources\/student-academic-hub\/tutoring-writing-assistance\/tutoring-faq\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:site_name\" content=\"Academics - Marymount University\" \/>\n<meta property=\"article:modified_time\" content=\"2023-09-26T15:50:15+00:00\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:card\" content=\"summary_large_image\" \/>\n<meta name=\"twitter:label1\" content=\"Est. reading time\" \/>\n\t<meta name=\"twitter:data1\" content=\"8 minutes\" \/>\n<script type=\"application\/ld+json\" class=\"yoast-schema-graph\">{\"@context\":\"https:\/\/schema.org\",\"@graph\":[{\"@type\":\"WebPage\",\"@id\":\"https:\/\/marymount.edu\/academics\/services-resources\/student-academic-hub\/tutoring-writing-assistance\/tutoring-faq\/\",\"url\":\"https:\/\/marymount.edu\/academics\/services-resources\/student-academic-hub\/tutoring-writing-assistance\/tutoring-faq\/\",\"name\":\"Tutoring FAQ - Marymount University\",\"isPartOf\":{\"@id\":\"https:\/\/marymount.edu\/academics\/#website\"},\"datePublished\":\"2020-11-17T16:45:46+00:00\",\"dateModified\":\"2023-09-26T15:50:15+00:00\",\"description\":\"Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently-asked questions about tutoring at Marymount. 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