{"id":195,"date":"2020-09-18T17:48:55","date_gmt":"2020-09-18T17:48:55","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/developmenttwo.marymount.edu\/academics\/?page_id=195"},"modified":"2022-12-05T14:56:42","modified_gmt":"2022-12-05T19:56:42","slug":"track-your-progress","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/marymount.edu\/academics\/marymount-global\/global-education-office\/passport-to-global-competence\/track-your-progress\/","title":{"rendered":"Track Your Progress"},"content":{"rendered":"


Our goal is to help Marymount students integrate curricular, co-curricular, and experiential learning opportunities as they embark on a journey toward Global Learning. Just as passport stamps track where you have been, we want to give our students the tools to track and showcase their own progress toward our global competencies.<\/p>\n

Track Your Progress<\/h2>\n

Curricular: MU Plan & MU Transcript<\/h3>\n

One of the ways to earn stamps on your “Passport to Global Learning” is to integrate global and international coursework into your degree plan. Your Marymount transcript<\/a> and your MU Plan<\/a> will help formally track this type of course work. Track your progress toward a language minor or track the number of “Global Perspective (GP)” courses you have taken by using the My MU Plan tool<\/a>. If you would like to integrate more global coursework into your degree, speak with your academic advisor to explore your options.<\/p>\n

Co-Curricular: MU Engage<\/h3>\n

Beyond formal course work, another way to track your progress toward global learning is through MU Engage<\/a>. MU Engage tracks student co-curricular global engagement, by noting club involvement and attendence at campus events. Students can download a co-curricular transcript through MU Engage to begin to monitor and track their co-curicular global engagement. If you want to increase your co-curricullar global engagement, join the Center for Global Education page on Engage and stay up-to-date on our upcoming events.<\/p>\n

Experiences: Study Abroad Portal<\/h3>\n

Last but not least, another way to track your progress toward global learning is through the Marymount Study Abroad Portal<\/a>. This portal tracks student international experiences, from Global Classroom Programs to full semester programs. Of course, many of these experiences will help students add actual stamps to their passport, but as you track your progress toward global learning, this is a good way to track your experiences and research future opportunities.<\/p>\n

Showcase Your Progress<\/h2>\n

Resume\/ Linked-in<\/h3>\n

Highlighting your global experiences on your resume or Linked-in is a great way to showcase your progress toward global learning. We provide a few general tips below but we recommend scheduling an appointment with the Center for Career Development<\/a> to learn more about highlighting these experiences in a professional way.<\/p>\n