{"id":1266,"date":"2020-10-01T17:00:21","date_gmt":"2020-10-01T17:00:21","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/developmenttwo.marymount.edu\/academics\/?page_id=1266"},"modified":"2021-10-13T15:03:10","modified_gmt":"2021-10-13T15:03:10","slug":"internships","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/marymount.edu\/academics\/college-of-business-innovation-leadership-and-technology\/school-of-business\/undergraduate-programs\/internships\/","title":{"rendered":"School of Business Internships"},"content":{"rendered":"

One of the hallmarks of an undergraduate education in the School of Business is that it requires all students to complete an internship. Our students benefit from our location in one of the country\u2019s leading technology and innovation regions. There are government agencies, businesses and nonprofits, all with interesting missions, within walking distance of our school. Downtown Washington, DC, with all that it has to offer, is just a short subway ride away.<\/p>\n

How it Works<\/h3>\n

We encourage students to find internships by using their own initiative as a way of developing their entrepreneurial and job career-building skills. We also identify internship opportunities with local businesses that have a relationship with Marymount, alumni, and the Advisory Board of the Marymount Intrapreneurship Initiative. Internships are part of a for-credit, one-semester course that combines the internship (120 hours of on-site experience) with classroom education\u00a0 led by\u00a0our faculty and\u00a0experienced entrepreneurs drawn from the Marymount Intrapreneurship Initiative Board of Advisors.<\/p>\n

Students in the School of Business have worked as interns in a wide range of organizations in the DC metro area.<\/p>\n

Examples of Recent SBT Student Internships:<\/h2>\n